02 Mar 2024
02 Mar 2024

FCC Business Series (New Haven)

by: AOK Business Team

  • Price: FREE

This is part 10 of a 10-week Business Series. The business series is taught twice per year. Check back with the business team to reserve your spot for the next series via email business@allourkin.org or phone 203-309-6951.

This free 10-week series covers topics such as: 

  • Contracts and policies
  • Marketing
  • Risk Management
  • Accounting
  • Record Keeping for taxes
  • Budgeting and financial management

.... and more!

Registration ends February 23!  Email business@allourkin.org, or call 203-309-6951 to sign up today!

Start Date & Time
Sat, Mar 02, 2024, 9:00 AM

End Date & Time
, 12:00 PM

153 East Street, 3rd Fl New Haven, CT 06511